Paris School of Economics

     Breda Thomas

  Personal page     

Current Research:

Gender inequality:

  • "Daily use of social media increases body dissatisfaction of adolescent girls in a large cross-cultural survey'', with Clotilde Napp.
  • "The emergence of the gender gap in math performance in Grade 1'', with Joyce Sultan-Parrault and Lola Touitou

Labor taxation:

  •  "Does Tax-Benefit Linkage Matter for the Incidence of Social Security Contributions", with Antoine Bozio and Julien Grenet. (Working paper) Conditionally accepted Restud
  • "Labor market responses to taxes and minimum wage: a dynamic structural approach'', with Luke Haywood and Haomin Wang. (Working paper) R&R (Round 2) Labour Economics


  • "Electoral Democracy at Work", with Philippe Askenazy. (Working paper)
  • "Labor Facing Capital in the Workplace: The Role of Worker Representatives", with Jérôme Bourdieu and Vladimir Pecheu (Working paper)


  • "Under-Reporting of Firm Size Around Size-Dependent Regulation Thresholds: Evidence from France", with Philippe Askenazy and Vladimir Pecheu. 2022. halshs-03614750. (Working paper)
  • "Diversity and Social Capital within the Workplace: Evidence from Britain", with Alan Manning. (Working paper) R&R (Round 2) Industrial Relations

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Main publications in English:

  • Breda, T. (2024). Empirical challenges in the study of employer associations and their representativeness. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 62(2), 483-510.[Link]
  • Bozio, A., Breda, T., & Guillot, M. (2023). Using payroll taxes as a redistribution tool. Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 226, October 2023, 104986. [Link]
  • Napp, C. & T. Breda (2023). "The gender equality paradox in chess holds among young players: A commentary on Vishkin (2022)", Psychological Science, 2023: 34(12), 1404-1410.[Link]
  • Breda, T., Jouini, E., & Napp, C. (2023). Gender differences in the intention to study math increase with math performance. Nature Communications, 14(1), 3664. [Link]
  • Breda, T., Grenet, J., Monnet, M. & Van Effenterre C. (2023). "How Effective are Female Role Models in Steering Girls towards STEM? Evidence from French High Schools", The Economic Journal, 133(653), 1773-1809. [Link]
  • Napp, C. & T. Breda (2022) "The stereotype that girls lack talent: A worldwide investigation", Science Advances, March 9, 2022: vol. 8, Issue 10. [Link][Media coverage]
  • Breda, T., Jouini, E., Thebault, G. and C. Napp (2020) "Gender stereotypes can explain the gender-equality paradox", PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America), December 8, 2020: vol. 117, no 49, pp. 31063-31069. [Link][Free access version][Supplementary Materials][Data and Programs][Twitter and Media]
  •  Breda, T. and C. Napp (2019) "Girls' comparative advantage in reading can largely explain the gender gap in math-intensive fields", PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America), July 30, 2019: vol. 116, n° 31, pp.  15435-15440. [Abstract][Reprint][Supplementary Materials][Data and Programs][Twitter and Media]
  •  Breda, T., Jouini, E. and Napp C. (2018) "Societal inequalities amplify gender gaps in math", Science, 16 Mar 2018: Vol. 359, Issue 6381, pp. 1219-1220. [Abstract][Full Text][Reprint][Supplementary Materials][Data and Programs][Twitter and Media]
  •   Breda, T., and M. Hillion (2016) "Teaching accreditation exams reveal grading biases favor women in male-dominated disciplines in France", Science, 29 Jul 2016: Vol. 353, Issue 6298, pp. 474-478. [Abstract][Full Text][Reprint][Supplementary Materials][Data and Programs][Twitter and Media][Additional Press Coverage]
  •   Breda, T. (2015) "Firms’ rents, workers’ bargaining power and the union wage premium in France", Economic Journal, vol. 125, pp. 1616-1652. [Downloadable version][Online Appendix]
  • Breda, T. and.T. Ly (2015) "Professors in Core Science are not always Biased against Women: Evidence from France", American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol. 7, n° 4, pp. 53-75. [Paper] [CentrePiece article][Note IPP]. In the media: Le Monde, Le Figaro, 20 Minutes, Libération
  • Bassanini, A., Breda T., Caroli E. and A. Reberioux (2013) "Working in family firms: paid less but more secure?", Industrial and Labor Relation Review, vol 66, n°2, pp. 433-466.  [Downloadable version]

Other publications in English:

  • Verniers, C., Aelenei, C., Breda, T., Cimpian, J. R., Girerd, L., Molina, E., Sovet, L., & Cimpian, A. (in press). The double-edged sword of role models: A systematic narrative review of the unintended e ects of role model interventions on support for the status quo. Review of Research in Education.
  • Breda, T. (2018) "Working in Family Firms", IZA World of Labor, 2018: 434.[Link]
  • Bourdieu, J., and T. Breda (2017) "Under-Paid Shop Stewards: A Case of Strategic Discrimination?", Travail et Emploi, n° 5 (HS 2017), pp. 5-30.
  • [Published paper]
  • Alvaredo, F., Breda, T., Roantree B. and E. Saez (2017) "Contribution ceilings and the Incidence of Payroll Taxes", De Economist, Special issue on the incidence of Social security contributions, vol 165, n°2, pp. 129-140. [Link]
  • Bozio, A., Breda, T. and J. Grenet (2017) "Incidence and Behavioural Response to Social Security Contributions: an Analysis of Kink Points in France", De Economist, Special issue on the incidence of Social security contributions, vol 165, n°2, pp. 141-163. [Link]
  •   Askenazy, P., Breda, T., and D. Irac (2016) "Advertising and R&D: theory and evidence from France", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 25, n° 1, pp. 33-56. [Downloadable version]

Publications in French:

  • Breda, T., Grenet, J., Monnet, M. and C. Van Effenterre (2018) "Les filles et les garçons face aux sciences : les enseignements d’une enquête dans les lycées franciliens", Éducation et Formation, n° 97, pp. 1-35. [Link]
  • Breda, T., Haywood, L. and H. Wang (2017) "Un modèle calibré pour évaluer l'effet du CICE sur l'emploi", Revue Française d'Economie, Vol. 32, n° 1, pp. 16-58. [Downloadable version]
  • Bourdieu, J., and T. Breda (2016) "Des délégués syndicaux sous-payés : une situation de discrimination stratégique ?", Travail et Emploi, vol 145, pp. 31-58.
  • [Published paper]
  • Greffion, J., and T. Breda (2015) "Façonner la prescription, influencer les médecins. Les effets difficilement saisissables du cœur de métier des grandes entreprises pharmaceutiques", Revue de la régulation, vol. 17, n° 1. [Online version]
  •  Breda, T. (2014) "Les délégués syndicaux sont-ils discriminés ?", La Revue Economique, vol 65, n°6, pp. 841-880.
  • [Downloadable version] [In the media]
  • English title: "Are union representatives discriminated?" [Working paper in English]


  • Les Représentants du Personnel, Presses de Sciences Po, Mars 2016. [Online extended version][Revue de Presse]
  •  De la theorie a la pratique : les effets attendus et observes de l'action syndicale, IRES, Collection Agence d'Objectifs, Mars 2011.

Chapters in books

  • Educational testing and gender, in the Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies (ed. Naples N., Hoogland, R.C.,Wickramasinghe, M. and A. Wong), 2016.

Other Working papers/Work in progress:

  • "Modeling earnings and inequality dynamics with linked employer-employee data", with Richard Blundell, Marc Chan and Jean-Marc Robin
  • "Under-reporting of firm size around size-dependent regulation thresholds: evidence from France", with Philippe Askenazy and Vladimir Pecheu (Working paper)
  • "Do unions have egalitarian wage policy for their own employees? Evidence from the US 1959-2016", with Paolo Santini
  • "Plant-Level Productivity in a Declining Market: The Case of Union Locals", with Alex Bryson and John Forth. (Working paper)

PhD Thesis/Thèse: here/ici

Salaire des Représentants du personnel en 2011: ici  , voir aussi la page consacrée à la discrimination syndicale